establishing European Production of HYdrogen from RenewAble energy
and integration into an industrial environment

The TRIERES Valley

Project EPHYRA is part of The TRIĒRĒS Valley. This valley supports the EC’s key priority of scaling up hydrogen ecosystems across Europe through emerging strategic value chains. The TRIĒRĒS Valley is centered around project EPHYRA within the Motor Oil Hellas (MOH) refinery in Agioi Theodoroi, Greece, which is destined to become the flagship hydrogen valley in the southeastern Mediterranean. The TRIĒRĒS Valley provides a flagship renewable energy project that raises the hydrogen ambitions of Greece and the surrounding broad geography that includes mainland Greece and the islands with an emphasis on Crete and other emerging regions such as Cyprus and Egypt.

The TRIĒRĒS Region will help improve the local production, transportation and end-use of green renewable hydrogen in an integrated ecosystem. Launched on a small scale, the TRIĒRĒS Area will pave the way for further increases in hydrogen production and consumption beyond its own borders and toward the Balkans, Southeastern Europe, and the broader geographical area of the Eastern Mediterranean.

The TRIĒRĒS District demonstrates how the pillars of hydrogen technologies are interconnected to create a harmonized hydrogen energy value chain that addresses climate change in high-emission sectors such as shipping/mobility, industry, and energy. The TRIĒRĒS Locale is an important hub for investment and talent, putting the country of Greece on the hydrogen map for the first time, a country best suited to incubate and multiply hydrogen projects due to its geopolitical and climate advantage and which has yet to welcome hydrogen energy projects as of 2022.

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